Sport and active recreation

Sport Integrity

The Sport Integrity Unit leads the coordination and monitoring of strategy, policy and programs to address the issues of misuse of drugs in sport, doping, member protection, child safeguarding, concussion, inclusion and competition manipulation.

Northern Territory Sport Integrity Unit functions

The functions of the Northern Territory Sport Integrity Unit are to:

  • provide information and awareness initiatives that encourage Territorians involved in sport to uphold the principles of fairness, inclusion, respect, responsibility and safety
  • provide advice and work with individual sports to ensure a robust integrity policy framework is adopted, minimizing opportunities for prohibited conduct and for criminal groups to infiltrate
  • strengthen relationships and cooperation between Australian, State and Territory governments, NT Peak Sporting Bodies (PSBs), law enforcement and other agencies
  • establish and manage the NT Sport Integrity Network, as a forum through which members share strategic leadership on Territory sport integrity issues
  • develop and manage the NT Sport Integrity Action Plan
  • support sport and the wider community by identifying sport specific online education and resources through the NT Sport Integrity Toolkit
  • promote inclusion to ensure sport is welcoming, enjoyable and safe for all people from differing backgrounds, demographics and abilities
  • undertake monitoring and research to provide evidence-based data to inform and drive effective approaches to protect the integrity of Territory sport.

Northern Territory Sport Integrity Action Plan

The NT Sport Integrity Action Plan identifies key action areas to proactively build the capability of sports in the Territory. It aims to mitigate integrity risks through heightened awareness and enable sports to respond quickly and decisively when such instances occur.

Northern Territory Sport Inclusion Action Plan

The Northern Territory (NT) Sport and Active Recreation Strategic Plan: 2021-25 (the SAR Strategic Plan) aspires to build safe, strong and healthy communities where every Territorian is valued and able to participate.

To achieve this mission the sport and active recreation sector, and community, requires a contemporary NT Sport Inclusion Action Plan 2024-25 to drive equal opportunities for all people to participate in, and benefit from, sport.

The NT Sport Inclusion Action Plan 2024-25 is a working document operating in concert with a complimentary suite of National and Territory based strategies, action plans, policy frameworks and grant programs to promote and drive inclusion in Territory sport.

Sport Integrity Toolkit

The Sport Integrity Toolkit contains important information, resources and links to assist athletes, parents, coaches, administrators, clubs and NT Peak Sporting Bodies.

Sport governance principles

No matter the size or maturity of the sporting organisation, there is a need for educational and accessible principles to help guide organisations with good governance. There is also a clear need for the support governance principles to link to education, support and resources to transition theory into practice.

You can read more about sport governance principles on the Sport Australia website.

Contact us

For further assistance contact Don Boyanton at or phone 08 8922 6816.

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