6 June 2024 - meeting 13 - communique

The Northern Territory Disability Advisory Committee (the Committee) met on 6 June 2024 in Darwin with the Hon Ngaree Ah Kit MLA, Minister for Disabilities. Members from Tennant Creek and Gunbalanya joined via video link.

The Committee continues to provide oversight and monitoring of the Northern Territory Disability Strategy and its Action Plan. At this meeting, members were given an update about the Action Plan’s upcoming evaluation and started to provide ideas for the next Action Plan.

Minister’s Update

The Minister for Disabilities spoke about the Northern Territory Government response to the recommendations from the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of People with Disability. Minister Ah Kit advised members that the Office of Disability is coordinating, across all agencies, a formal response to each of the recommendations and this report is planned to be released by mid-year.

In the second half of this year, the Northern Territory Government will shift towards implementing the recommendations, where each agency will develop detailed implementation plans for the recommendations.

Employment with the Northern Territory Government

The Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment (OCPE) presented to members on the draft NTPS EmployAbility Strategy. The OCPE shared that the new Strategy aims to increase disability representation in the NTPS to 8% by 2027. Members provided valuable feedback to the OCPE on fostering a positive workplace culture, the importance of leadership and how reasonable adjustment and flexible work agreements processes can be burdensome.

Darwin International Airport Terminal

Members of the Committee were provided with an opportunity to walk through the recently renovated Darwin Airport Terminal. The Airport Development Group shared the initiatives they have undertaken to make the terminal more accessible including the installation of a changing places facility, implementing the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyard initiative and improvements to the security screening process.

The next meeting of the Committee is expected to be held in October 2024, pending the outcome of the Northern Territory Election.

Mr Callum Hooley
Northern Territory Disability Advisory Committee

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